Saturday, June 20, 2009

boring update

i know i know. i haven't updated in a while. in fact, i haven't really updated since May. sorry. but to be really honest, not a whole lot of exciting stuff is going on. let me try to think of some cool things.

i've been playing the super nintendo a lot lately. between Star Fox, Street Fighter, Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong Country 2, i already had a lot on my plate. but then i just received Super Mario World, Vegas Stakes, Clayfighter and Final Fantasy 2 in the mail from my 'rents (ff2 is the one i've been playing the most). so yeah. call me a dork but it feels good to be doing that periodically.

my room mate, Ari decided to quit his job and go on a "world tour" for 2 months. he's hitting up a lot of different countries. too many to name. while he's gone, his brother Igal is living here. my other room mate, Alessandro, has decided that he's going to leave in mid July to go back to the states and work on his education. but not before taking a trip to northern Chile and Bolivia.

Alice and I will see him the last day he's in Northern Chile in a town called San Pedro. for a little over a week in july, Alice and I will be in San Pedro going on various excursions and seeing hopefully a lot of cool stuff. the terrain is more of a desert which means hot days and cold nights. i don't even care about cold nights as long as we get hot days. there's supposed to be a flamingo wildlife reserve and the infamous salt flats. we'll see what happens in that area.

it's been raining a lot lately. rain in Santiago SUCKS. all the streets flood and it's really hard to walk around. also, it's really cold.

per usual, i've been having a lot of students cancel classes on me. but the good news is i've actually got it in their mind now that it's best if they try to make up the class that got canceled before the end of the month so i can still get paid for them. also, i gave an evaluation test to some new students recently and i think i'm going to be able to pick up a new class as a result. that would bring my total to 5. in all honesty, 4 classes would be fine. it's just that with all these cancelations, a 5th class is the solution to even things out. also, i think some of these classes i have now are ending soon so i need new ones for when they're up. some more good news is that i think my check for June should be pretty gigantic. if it's not, i'm not sure what the hell i'm gonna do for my trip to San Pedro. oh well... i'll cross that bridge if i find it.

i saw Terminator: Salvation. i was entertained by it but i wouldn't say it was spectacular or anything. Star Trek is still the best movie of the summer by far.

if I don't make my way into Bolivia when i go to Northern Chile (which honestly probably won't happen), i need to find a way to renew my visa by the end of July or the beginning of August. i'm thinking of either flying to Mendoza or Buenos Aires and chilling there for a very short amount of time. i still haven't decided where.

let's see, what else? i've been to La Vega a few times to get fruits, veggies and imitation fruit loops. i ate at a T.G.I. Fridays recently and had their version of "buffalo wings" that only had barbeque sauce on it and not buffalo sauce. i was let down but i guess that's how south america rolls with their wings. i'm continuing to cook things like chicken and burritos.

i dunno. Alice's friend Kate said it best: i think we're all kind of in this period of "zen" relaxation right now. it's winter. it's cold (not as cold as New England but hey, we have NO HEAT). there's not really a desire to go outside because it's so gross. we're waiting for the nice weather to come back and during that time we're all kind of ok with doing nothing. because hey, it may be unexciting... but we're in another country. so what if it's boring once in a while? we're still getting a cool experience. besides, i'm broke as a joke and am ok with not spending as much money this month.

i guess that's it. sorry. not too exciting but an update was asked for and you guys got it.

oh and i completely fell on my ass yesterday on the metro in front of a ton of people. i did one of those "get up and pretend nothing happened" things and it was hilarious.

and now i can't think of anything else.

oh well.

until next time, hasta.


  1. Thank you! I even like hearing about the boring, everyday stuff! And. . . it's raining here, too!

  2. Oh, and the falling thing? You get that from me!!

  3. Yay! More blog!! Thanks Josh! I too like hearing about boring everyday stuff - I'm always wondering, "Hmmm I wonder what Josh is doing now?" Down time is good too. And, it's rained here for something like 30 days straight, and god awful humid and mosquito-y. And yes, you get the falling thing from you mother LOL!!! Love you soooooo much! Lou
