Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well here we are with another blog update. Things have been going pretty smoothly lately.

My class is going well. my student is a very nice guy and he's really excited to learn English. I gave him a quiz today. I had to create it on my own (the first time i've ever done that!). i made the first 3 sections pretty easy but the last one was a little bit more difficult. despite this, he managed to get an 88 on it! So I'm glad he's actually learning. I have another class starting tomorrow. The guy is apparently really basic and doesn't understand a lot of English. I have a feeling it will be a bit more difficult. it's also way north in Santiago. i think it'll take about an hour and 15 minutes total to get there on the metro and the bus. they're paying me extra for it though so it's all good. also, i JUST got word (like 15 minutes ago) that they may have another class to offer me when i go into their office today so we'll see where that goes.

still walking around a little bit. there's a pretty neat little street called "Pocuro" right near where i live. there's 2 pathways on it. one is for bikes and the other for walking/running. it's a long street and i went to one end of it where there's a tiny park. in this park, there are free exercise machines. i'll try to get pictures of them later but they're pretty basic little machines. the area where they are looks like a little playground for adults.

i went and saw one of the three houses Pablo Neruda has in Chile. the whole house was very cozy and the interior was set up to resemble the inside of a boat. i couldn't take any picture inside but this picture gives you a general idea of how artsy fartsy he was. he liked to hang little eyes from things around his house. i think he had some weird fascination with being watched constantly by people or something. or maybe he just wanted people to watch their head on low ceilings and branches. overall it was a cool house but i've heard fantastic things about the other houses he has. Alice and I want to take a trip to Isle Negra to see his house there. we shall see.

i'm continuing to cook delicious things. i made more burritos 2 nights ago. also, i would recommend putting thousand island dressing on a burrito you may make yourself in the future because i did and it was delicious. yesterday morning i cooked a fantastic breakfast that had eggs, toast and bacon. it was my first time making bacon and it came out good. bacon's actually pretty easy. the only thing is that i think next time i'm buying a different kind of bacon because it was really salty.

the new guy moved into the apartment saturday. he's from new york and very much an American. he speaks English to me and Spanish to Ari (which is kind of weird). he's really nice and friendly. oh! and his name is Alessandro! while he's not the same person as Alejandro, i think it's funny that i move to Chile and meet someone with such a similar name.

Alessandro, Alice and I went to a museo on Sunday called the Museo De Arte Contemporaneo. it was a lot like Mass MoCA in the sense that it was a bunch of weird, awesome contemporary art. for example, when we walked in, the first thing we saw was this paper mache sculpture of two life-size people with a leash and on the end of that leash was another person on all fours. the entire sculpture was paper mache and newspapers. oh and two of the people in the sculptures were vomiting. this was a typical thing we saw there. it was great. also, the park that this museo was in was called Quinta Normal and it was beauuuuutiful. tere was a body of water in there that didn't have sludge everywhere! you could also rent rowboats and row around in them! so cool! i think Alice and I are gonna go back there and do that. also, there's a couple other neat museos in that area that we may check out on our Sunday Museo adventures.

Ari just bought a new tv for the apartment and i've periodically been watching things in Spanish here. mostly American shows dubbed over but pretty hilarious. also i've been watching some other shows that are specific to Chile. I've been following the Futbol statistics. Chile played Sunday night against... i forget who. but tehy won. and if they win tomorrow night against Uruguay, they have a really good shot at going to the world cup, which is really exciting. people in Chile loooooove their soccer. i really want to try to go to a match while i'm here.

and really there's not much else happening. probably going to check out more parks in the future. probably going to hit up another museo. probably going to start some more classes soon. making money. things are churning right along here in Santiago. i don't really have much else to report so until next time, hasta!


  1. Josh,do u get paid in Peso's?
    Do most of the bodies of water have sludge in them? You seemed happy that that one didn't. The museum sounded interesting -- vomiting pinatas -- if only I had the room in the house I'd buy it.
    R u picking up any Spanish from your students?
    Love you so much! Lou

  2. Josh, thanks for the blog! I really look forward to seeing what you're doing in Chile each week.
